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Mekong nations discuss US-China rivalry concern

Asian Vision Institute (AVI) and the Embassy of Japan in Cambodia organised a seminar on March 18 to share perspectives on the challenges faced in the Mekong sub-region and look for possible ways forward in order to find solutions to them.

Chhem Kieth Rethy, a member of the board of directors for AVI, said that the Mekong sub-region is one of the world’s fastest growing economies and is attracting the attention and engagement of various countries – including Japan, India, South Korea, the US and China.

The region is also facing many challenges such as great power rivalries and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

“The rivalry between the [US and China] makes it difficult for small states to navigate between them, and it makes it particularly difficult to ensure that they are [not being compromised or exploited] by major powers while also trying to secure their national interests,” he said.

Rethy added that the region is also facing other security problems such as water and energy shortages, natural disasters, climate change and marine plastic pollution.

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