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Press Release: the Outcomes of the 5th AAWC Board Meeting and High-Level Roundtable on Asia Action Agenda for Climate Resilience Through Water

On 23-25 May 2023, the Asia National Assembly Water Consultative Board (AAWC) and the Asian Cultural Council (ACC), in collaboration with the Asian Vision Institute (AVI), co-hosted the 5th AAWC Board Meeting and a high-level roundtable discussion under the theme “Asia Action Agenda for Climate Resilience Through Water” in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The event was presided over by His Excellency Jae-ill Byun, President of the AAWC, and Her Excellency Kittisangahakbindit Khuon Sudary, Second Vice-President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia. In addition, the event was attended by His Excellency Suos Yara, Chairman of the Commission on Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, Information and Media of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia and Vice President of the AAWC, policymakers, lawmakers, and water sector experts from Cambodia, Hungary, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, and Uzbekistan.

The Water Welfare Program and Policy Research were discussed during the Board Meeting, followed by the high-level roundtable discussion, which focused on legislative and political actions and efforts for climate resilience to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). During the roundtable discussion, the AAWC members and the global water leaders from the legislatures and executives shared their knowledge and experiences on underlining issues and emerging challenges, and they proposed actions to build climate change resilience based on integrated water management. At the end of the event, the delegates adopted the Phnom Penh Declaration.

On the side-line of the event, the Korean delegates visited Kompong Thom province and Ewha Srang School in Kompong Spue province. It is worth mentioning that the AAWC president has assisted the Korean government’s implementation of water-related ODA projects in Cambodia and is working closely with the AAWC to build an integrated water resources management system and climate change adaptation in Cambodia.

To improve Cambodia’s education, the president has founded the Volunteers for Educational Services in Asia (VESA) and established Ewha Srang School and a health clinic in Kampong Speu. The AAWC Water Welfare program was also launched to improve Srang commune’s reservoir and address groundwater problem.    

The 5th AAWC Board Meeting and the high-level roundtable discussion were concluded with fruitful outcomes which will further contribute to realizing the 2030 UN Agenda for SDGs, promoting the role of parliaments, organizations, and think-tanks, and enhancing awareness and commitment to tackling climate change issues.

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